The Ra Contact & Harvest

Imagine being given the opportunity for a Q&A session directly with God, whatever your perception of that may be. If you are an atheist, consider a conversation with an Omni-intelligent version of yourself. You’re 1 on 1 with a higher power. No holds barred, what would you want to discuss? Could words even do justice in conveying the answers to questions you have? What in your life would remain relevant after establishing such a connection? Would you tell anyone after it was over? Do you think that they would believe you?

Stumbling upon a conversation that bridges the gap between us and the cosmos; The Ra Contact has thoroughly evolved my understanding of the universe. Initially skeptical, I subjected The Ra Contact to intense critical analysis, only to find it profoundly reshaping my understanding of reality. This shift was further amplified by a cascade of personal synchronicities that arose as I engaged with the material. My hope is that this work finds its way to those who are ready for it.

In a series of channeling’s which took place between 1981-1984, three dedicated seekers of truth changed the world forever. Like many wonderful gems, it has gone completely unnoticed, the world en masse perhaps not quite ready. The average person would probably never in a million years touch anything related to "channeling," and considering all the delusion that is out there, you can't really blame them. The subject itself is quite bizzare, being something not fully understood, and out of fear could be viewed as demonic or as some sort of possession. For the rigid, scientifically minded, it would appear as nothing short of delusional. Fair enough, it would be difficult to see the potential truth in something so absurd, especially given the field has muddy waters! There are countless people in this day and age that have fallen into states of psychosis, thinking they have found the secrets of the universe and are messengers of the gods. The psychological guard is warranted. To ease the Evangelicals, Carla had a Bible over her head and was a devout Christian her entire life, vetting everything she channeled through Jesus’s name. For those that may hear about The Ra Contact in a podcast or see something in a YouTube video, it can be a difficult seed to grow. There is a chance that they may really like the idea and are interested in it, do some research, begin to look it up, and see what it's about; but a higher one that they don't really consider it with much as much importance as I would argue it deserves. To be fair, most of us already have our plates full, a list of things we've been meaning to get to, and no desire to invest our time in what could ultimately be nonsense. It can be psychologically difficult to grasp what is being proposed here, and furthermore, very demanding (energetically speaking) to take on the onus of vetting through such a calamitous claim. Is there a possibility that such an endeavor may actually be worth it? Ra's wording can be difficult to comprehend, and having a particularly obtuse way of speaking, may come across as robotic and strange. The vocabulary used takes some effort to get used to and may bring someone to the consensus, "I have no idea what I'm really reading here, I'm not sure I've got the motivation to take this on." Some of the topics discussed are quite strange and contain heavy assertions, like the existence of what we consider to be bigfoot, or the fact that the government has been in possession of numerous UFO crafts for years (confirmed by some of the recent disclosure efforts?) After coming across direct claims about these sorts of topics, perhaps ones perception is slowly given validation to shift to a position where it can feel justified in writing things off as a bunch of hippies too far gone off of LSD. It was fun opening my mind for a bit and exploring the idea, but I’m not drinking the kool aid. Some schizophrenics got together and crafted together a cute little science-fiction story, and are passing it off as science-fact, how adorable. Their qualifications include a PhD in good vibes, with a specialization in drum circle engineering, and an additional 1,500 hours of study in the department of smoking weed, watching Ancient Aliens, and misinterpreting quantum physics. Either that, or it’s an intelligently designed psy-op spawning off the tail end of some sort of MK-Ultra CIA project. You should 100% give thought to all these things, along with other possibilities. Alongside that, however, if you open your mind and consider the chance that it simply is as it claims to be, you might accidentally step into an entirely new paradigm, establishing a connection to a rich field of information, a body of knowledge about why things are the way they are.

Don Elkins, spearhead of the operation, earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Louisville and later obtained a Master’s degree in Physics. He spent some time as an aerospace engineer, and later a pilot. The man asking the questions, Don’s technical background shaped his line of inquiry. During the 1950s and 1960s, Elkins developed a keen interest in UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. He conducted extensive research on the subject and did interviews with individuals who claimed to have had contact with extraterrestrials. Don studied everything there was on the subject of spirituality and metaphysics, also deepening into the world of parapsychology. In 1961 he came across techniques on how to receive information from otherworldly sources through the setting up of a channeling group. Don gathered a dozen or so students from the introduction to physics class he was teaching at the University of Louisville, and began to experiment. One of those students asked if he could bring his girlfriend along. This ended up being Carla Reuckert, who stayed as a regular member, and later became ‘instrument’ for the contact with Ra; taking place between 1981-1984, cosmic banter they worked 20 years to get to. Jim McCarty, who acted as scribe, came into the story a little later. He was taking part in the back-to-the-land movement of the 1970s, a time where college educated hippies were going out to the countryside and living off of the land, and had been housed in a self-built log cabin in the forest of Kentucky for nearly 7 years. One seemingly average day, he tuned in to an interview taking place with Don and Carla on the subject of UFO’s and the philosophy behind them, through a small little battery powered radio he had. His interest was caught by talk of the Law of One and he really wanted to meet them, coincidentally finding a connection to members of Don’s Sunday night meditation club through conversation at a co-op market he would often frequent. They took Jim up 70 miles to Louisville and introduced him. He became a weekly member of their club, and after a year was invited to join with the deeper channeling work. Once this trio had connected, Ra shortly afterwards came knocking.

Ra claims to be a sixth-density social memory complex that originated on Venus 2.6 billion years ago. Essentially, this means that Ra is not a single being, but instead an umbrella term used for the entirety of a civilization/grouping of consciousnesses that have ascended to a level of experience where they are thoroughly inter-connected and have access to a single hive-like mind. Technically they all act and exist as one being in a certain sense, who knows how to even begin to conceptualize the details of such an arrangement, but it’s not the bird-man you may initially think of and see on the walls of the pyramids. Actually, Ra describes how they built the pyramids themselves, through thought, something that may be a bit too far out for some. The opportunity to learn things from the source responsible for leaving archaeologists of Egypt in a consistently baffled state, somewhat intriguing, nay? Being a unified group of light beings from the sixth dimension, "humble messengers of the Law of One," Ra teaches profound spiritual wisdom in efforts assist in humanities evolution. The the Law of One, which they emphasize as a fundamental cosmic principle, is the understanding that all things are interconnected, every being is part of the same whole, we all stem from and exist within one singular thought. Imagine it as a vast web of existence, where each thread influences the others, weaved together through unity and love. Their teachings encourage seeking truth, understanding, and personal growth. In conversations with our cosmic comrade, Don Elkins and the team were exposed to the concept of "the harvest." Congratulations, you happen to be alive at the turning point of a 75,000 year developmental period! I bet you didn’t even know it, you lucky duck.

The term ‘harvest’ is not referring to some apocalyptic Sci-Fi doom and gloom collapse of the world end times situation (beam me up!) It’s not some cataclysmic showdown between good and evil where Jesus returns, executing an Ezekiel choke on live television, casting out the devil in front of everyone at UFC 333. Instead, it’s a profound cosmic transition—the point where all experiences converge, and dawn of the next phase of our existence. Also termed "graduation," it is the culmination of every moment, a synthesis of sorts, where all things come to realize their purpose, all experiences collide, and we begin something new. I know, it sounds a bit abstract and grandiose, but truly, it makes some sense once you begin to grasp it. The ‘Harvest’ is a transfiguring process of both personal, and planetary evolution, in which things proceed to the ‘next level.’ Just as crops are cultivated, tended to, and eventually harvested, our personal experiences shape and prepare us. Each lesson learned, obstacle overcome, and achievement attained contributes to our evolution. As the galaxy revolves (or, more technically speaking, spirals), each constituent solar system and planet moves through the scheduled density of experience in the same precision as the turning of a clock, regardless of circumstances on the striking of that next hour. The Yuga cycle within Hinduism, Kalachakra in Buddhism, it’s the turning of the wheel of time. This concept is quite prevalent in many Native American and African cultures as-well. The time of Revelations from the Christian view, this is an idea present across numerous different ideologies.

According to Ra, reality consists of different densities. These are essentially dimensions, although with some minor nuances to what you may think of when hearing that term. There are 7 (or eight, depending on the perspective) densities grouped within each ‘octave’ of experience (the 8th being the first of the next grouping of 7). These further divide into another 7 divisions.

“Within each density there are seven sub-densities.
Within each sub density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.” ( Ra 16.51)

“The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities.”

From the Quran (78:12) - “and built above you seven mighty ˹heavens˺,”

Within the Atharvaveda and Puranas of Hinduism we are told there are infinite universes, each with 14 Lokas (or realms) - 7 upper-worlds, and 7 underworlds.

In early Jewish works, such as the Talmud and the Kabbalah, we are also given an outline of 7 heavens.

A Sumerian incantation from the late second millennium BCE - “an-imin-bi ki-imin-bi” (the heavens are seven, the earths are seven).

In The Coptic Apocalypse of Paul, a short gnostic text discovered as part of the Nag Hammadi Codex, apostle Paul ascends through the ‘lower Seven Heavens’. At the seventh heaven, he meets an old man who opens a gate to the realm beyond the material universe, and Paul then ascends to the eighth, ninth, and tenth heavens.

In the Second Book of Enoch, Enoch ascends through multiple heavens guided by angels. At the seventh heaven, he reaches a boundary between the created world and the unmanifest. He is granted visions of the eighth, ninth, and tenth heavens, but does not enter them.

These layers of reality have been given the term “density” because each successive level is more densely packed with light. The more ‘densely’ packed a level is with light, the more information is there. The more information, the greater awareness, a higher degree of unity, and a larger capacity to utilize the power of one’s consciousness to experience oneself as and realize infinity at higher and higher levels of intelligence/light/power/love. Imagine a grand, upwardly spiraling staircase made of pure, radiant light. Each step on this staircase represents a different density, with the light becoming more intense, vibrant, and intricate as you ascend. We climb up these dimensional realities until we return back to the source of all creation. This source is considered to be the beginning and end of all existence, and the journey through the densities is a process of returning to that original unity.

Each density of experience offers its own set of lessons and parameters that must be learned and understood in order to cross the threshold and graduate to the next one. In reference to the state of Earth, we have existed within the third density, and the transition into fourth density began around 2011-2012. This period marked the start of the harvest process. The Mayans predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012, the end of a 5,126-year cycle in their Long Count calendar. Maybe they weren't so off after all?

Third density is the density of self-awareness and choice, characterized by the development of the mind/body/spirit complex and the experience of polarity (service to others vs. service to self). It is split into 3 distinct 25,000 year developmental periods.

The first cycle began around 75,000 years ago. During this time, human beings on Earth started their journey in the third density, focusing on basic self-awareness and the initial stages of social and spiritual development.
"At the end of the first major cycle, there was no harvest." (Ra, Session 14.17)

The second cycle began around 50,000 years ago. During this time, humanity continued to evolve socially and spiritually, gaining more complexity in their experiences and awareness.
"At the end of the second major cycle, the civilization was not entirely ready for harvest." (Ra, Session 14.17)

The third cycle, which we are currently completing, began around 25,000 years ago. This period has seen significant advancements in human consciousness, social structures, and spiritual understanding.
"At the end of the third cycle, approximately 75,000 of your years, all are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density." (Ra, Session 14.17)

What have you been up to all these years? Do you think you're ready for the big transition? Lets see if you are up to standard and meet the qualifications.

To complete the third-density harvest and graduate into the fourth density, an individual must make "The Choice". Service to others, This is the fundamental decision each entity makes in third density regarding their orientation towards others and is what determines whether or not they are harvestable. Harvest can occur in two distinct ways, positively or negatively. The direction you head in is determined by what you orient your life around. Your relationship to yourself, the world, and others is the core lesson of this 3rd density experience.

Service to Others (Positive Polarity)

Service to Self (Negative Polarity)

Ineligibility for Harvest

“The highest state, is that state in which, having abandoned all other goals, one fully surrenders oneself in service to the Supreme Lord and thus attains liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.” Srimad Bhagvatam

The harvest is a process that occurs on a personal level, primarily at the end of one’s life. It's not a mass wipeout of the entire population via flood, meteors, or some sort of lethal solar flare. Instead, it could be thought of in the same light as the greek concept of Psychostasia, the weighing-of-the-soul found in Ancient Egyptian and Christian beliefs.


Highly polarized beings can serve as catalysts for the rest of the society, but the overall result of the harvest still depends on the collective's readiness. We are given insight into the idea of "wanderers." These are beings that are of a higher evolutionary order, having already progressed through the 3rd density experience, that come back in order to aid in the evolutionary development of others. Way-showers that provide service to help get as many over the threshold as possible. Two examples discussed within the text include Nikola Tesla and Einstein. Think of just how profoundly each of these individuals changed the world. Their intellect was so beyond their time that their minds shaped the place we live today.

“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.”
Matthew 9:37-38

“Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.”
Revelation 7:4

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9

"Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."
James 3:18

"...he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son."
Proverbs 10:5

The Confederation entities began working with Carla in 1974

In 1974, the most powerful broadcast ever deliberately beamed into space was made from Puerto Rico. The Arecibo Message

Don Elkins commits suicide shortly after they finished their work with Ra.

Let's not ignore the extensive discussion on "psychic attack" which they continuously reference and are having to deal with throughout the book.

May Don's death be a demonstration of the potential truth that this lesser known aspect of reality holds, heeding caution to those who seek to perform similar spiritual work - knocking on the doors of wonder.

The Kabbalistic notion of the Qlippoth, specifically the rigorous torture which one whom has a bright inner light radiating from their being must endure, explains this.

Wetiko (Weeds)

Rest in peace