Ω Epilogue

Life is all about being a gardener. The power is in the flower.

What you hold in mind is akin to what is in your garden.

What do you have in there?

What new seeds would you like to plant?

Anything that you’ve already placed into the soil which is having a hard time coming to fruition?

Are there harmful weeds? Any repeat offenders which seem to just keep coming back?

How do you actually get rid of them?

Which fruits are about ready to be plucked? Any vegetables you could bring inside?

C’mon, raspberries over yonder are looking nice… don’t get me started on the size of those
melons over there…(sorry)

What flowers have already blossomed which deserve a brief moment of your admiration?

Those daisies are looking, may I say, spectacular.

The petunias… their delicate petals swaying back and forth from a light breeze. Such a graceful and elegant display. So warm. So inviting.

Some of this rose bush needs to be trimmed back a bit (you little codependent, you).

This section over here looks like it hasn’t been watered in a while (what have you got against kale?)

Ah shit…. it looks like you’ve got some Canadian thistle over here…

This plant died over the winter and doesn’t look to be showing any green. We’re going to have to take it out… got your tools?

Your physical body is a biological piece of matter that expanded outwardly from the mental and emotional connection which your parents formed with one another prior to their conception of you. From there the union of a little sperm and egg develops into the entirety of a fully grown human which then eventually dies and decomposes back into the Earth. Just like a flower, it requires food, water, and sunlight to flourish. At the peak of its maturation your mind sprouts in its intellect and understanding of the universe. It develops skills and abilities, conceptualizes experience, navigates the world, and shares ideas. Generating things, it receives seeds, grows them, and redistributes – from sensory input to thoughts, emotions, visions, actions and ultimately, energy.

Your soul grows like a flower within God’s Garden. In a vast meadow, we stand side by side. Growing in a unified field(of consciousness), we are all pulling nutrients out from the same soil, drinking the same water, and receiving sunlight from the same source(Ohr Ein Sof). Blessed with a greater degree of freedom than plan(e)t(ary) counterparts, we are gifted the opportunity to direct and influence our growth in the moment as its happening so as to affect what our seeds blossom into. We get the choice, this is our free-will. We also have the ability to greatly impact other plants around us. We exist simultaneously as both the gardener and the garden. We are here to learn to balance that dance. We are here to learn what to grow and how to grow it.